Friday, September 11, 2009

Process and Progress.

Here are photographs of the making of my fiberglass munstuer.

Here I am cutting out and carving the body using pink foam board.


In this image, I am taping up the body with packing tape so that after the fiberglass has dried, I can then easily extract the body from the inside.

Through one of the legs, I strung through some electrical cord for a small light fixture that will later go into the belly of the munstuer.

The process of cutting out pieces of fiber glass fabric and pinning them to the body, then painting on the resin.

In this step, I poured acetone into the cavity of the body and the acetone melted the foam.  Then I was able to grab onto the "guts" and pull them out.  

And finally, the empty body

Here I am clamping the legs in place, where I want them and lining them up with the body.  Then I just laid fiberglass over the seems to connect the legs  to the body.  

Testing, testing!  Yes, it works!

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